Here for download are some songs selected by Leslie Fish from each of four albums currently available from Random Factors. Unless otherwise noted all songs are written and performed by Leslie Fish.

Hope Eyrie
(vocals by the late Mary Frohman)
Banned from Argo


Cover: Songs For Solar Sailors
This is a compilation of Leslie's legendary (and long out of print) first two albums, "Folksongs For Folk Who Ain't Even Been Yet" and "Solar Sailors".
Helen All Alone


Cover: Our Fathers of Old
This is an album of poems by Rudyard Kipling, set to music by Leslie Fish.

Serious Steel
Serious Steal
(lyrics and vocals by Joe Bethancourt)


Cover: Serious Steel
A selection of Society for Creative Anachronism songs.
Trashy Adventure Flicks
The SETI League Anthem
(lyrics by H. Paul Shuch, vocals by Alan Thiesen & Kerry Mills)


Cover: Smoked Fish and Friends
Recorded live in the smokers' filk areas at the 1996 and 1998 Worldcons.

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