FAQ Table of Contents
Recording Lists


courtesy Bob Laurent - Thanks, Bob! Additions and corrections welcome!
WS001 Fragile Wall (Clif Flynt & Mary Ellen Wessels)
WS002 Dreams and Nightmares (ConChord 1985)
WS003 The Joy of Singing (ConChord 1985)
WS004 There's a Filksing here Tonight (ConChord 1985)
WS005 Mister Author (ConChord 1985)
WS006 Aussiecon II: the Wail From Down Under (Worldcon 1985)
WS007 Marcon Grows up (Marcon 1986)
WS008 Pot Luck (Awynedd)
WS009 Songs that Go Filk in the Night (OVFF 1986)
WS010 Filks that Pass in the Night (OVFF 1986)
WS011 Flying Island (Marcon 1989)
WS012 Ecotone (Heather Rose Jones)
WS013 Manifilk Destiny (Westercon 1987)
WS014 CactusCon Choruses (NASFIC 1987)
WS015 Notes from the Desert (NASFIC 1987)
WS016 Pleasure in the OVFFing (OVFF 1987)
WS017 Auditory Confusion (Confusion 1988)
WS018 Harlinquinade (Nolacon (Worldcon) 1988)
WS019 Harliquinery (Nolacon (Worldcon) 1988)
WS020 OVFF the Record (OVFF 1988)
WS021 OVFF Beat (OVFF 1988)
WS022 OVFF to the Stars (OVFF 1988)
WS023 Congenial I (Congenial 1989)
WS024 Courtly Airs (Noreascon 3)
WS025 Caterwauls (Noreascon 3 (Worldcon 1989))
WS026 Sound OVFF (OVFF 1989)
WS027 The Filk Rolls In (Consonance 1990)
WS028 Filk Under the Bridge (Consonance 1990)
WS029 Again Congenial Filk (Congenial 1990)
WS030 For All My Closest Friends(Naomi Pardue)
WS031 ConCerto in A Filk Minor (ConCerto, 1990)
WS032 Uncharted Stars (Cynthia McQuillin)
WS033 The Programmer and the Elves (East Coast I)
WS034 Make Believe (FilKONtario 1991)
WS035 Rogow Rides Again (Roberta Rogow)
WS036 Not Forgotten (Consonance 1992)
WS037 Divine Intervention (Julia Ecklar)
WS038 Mists of Memory (Chicon V)
WS039 OVFF the Wall (OVFF 6)
WS040 Asteroid Ore (Marcon 1991)
WS041 Bigger on the Inside (Consonance 1991)
WS042 Let's Have a Filksing (FilkOntario 2)
WS043 Shoot the Moon (East Coast II)
WS044 Harbors (East Coast III)
WS045 Not Canned or Frozen (Leslie Fish)
WS046 Shrink Wrap Blues (Gary McGath)
WS047 OVFF Kilter (OVFF 7)
WS048 Slightly OVFF Track (OVFF)
WS049 Dreamflights
none Fire In The Sky (originally selfpub by Jordin Kare, later republished by Wail Songs)